Thursday, 8 January 2009

Love, actually, is all around

Okay, okay, fine, I admit that yesterday's post turned out a bit more negative than I intended. Blame it on the news and political publications I was reading - they can never set you in a happy mood haha.

Well, today for a change, my friend and I decided to watch one of the most romantic and sweet movies ever made, Love Actually. I had almost forgotten how good I feel after watching that movie! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside :) It makes my heart smile and it absolutely lifts my spirit.

The message of the movie - that love is all around, and it's practically the most powerful emotion out there - is so true. Forget about hate and all the negative things; just love :)

Love your life, love your friends, love what's happening around you, love chance and fate, love the momentary mishaps of life, love everything! If it works for you, love the fact that you don't have that many things to hate :) It's wonderful, any time you feel love in any shape or form. And remember that the world responds to the way you act in it... love the world and the world will love you back!

Haha, and now if you read the previous post you'd think I have a split personality, or bipolar disorder, or anything along those lines. No, not really, I just love the way that movie makes me feel and wish I could feel that aaaaall the time! :D