There's one more question that baffles me from time to time and sends me spinning into what I like to call 'identity crises'. Now, this is not something like a premature mid-life crisis or belated teenage crisis... It is an issue that we all probably think about.
The ever so philosophical question 'Who Am I?' probably bears no real answer. Consider this - you've lived with yourself all your life; you've seen yourself act in all sorts of situations and social settings; you know how you behave, you know what you think about the world in general... yet how do you know this is REALLY you...?
Confused? Let me try and shed light on what I'm trying to say... Personal example: one's tastes in everything change over time. My taste in music, movies, hobbies - has all been changing so much over the years. You could just say I'm eclectic like that;) Or you might think why my tastes changed...
It has to do a lot with the people I'm with. I'm very easily attached to friends and also easily influenced. If someone I like as a person tells me to watch a certain movie cause it's great, then I do that and really believe the movie's good. If a month later, though, someone else I like tells me they hated that same movie, I might be likely to change my mind and say, 'well, I saw it, but it wasn't good... I was indifferent'. Why would I do that?? It's technically hypocricy, no? I really don't want to think of myself as a hypocrite, at least not in its negative connotation. But what other explanation would there be? See, that's why I call these 'crises' of my identity. I don't know how much of me is me and how much is shaped by others... how much of me is the 'ultimate image' of myself that I want others to see? It all sounds like a masquerade, and that drives me nuts, cause I think I lose track of what exactly I am ... ugh. I try to maintain at least 80% of my behaviour/style with aaaaall people I see, yet depending on who I'm with I might be different. Does anyone else feel that way?
See, I don't know how to resolve that internal issue. I guess I'll find out as the years roll by... eventually some essence of me should be totally certain, right? Not to say that I don't have any essence right now, but sometimes even I don't know exactly what that is... Sigh.
I think I'm just trying to make life more complicated than it is haha. Or maybe I should just go to bed and stop thinking already!! lol. Oh the mysteries of life :) It's all quite entertaining, though. Everything in life can be fun if you find the right point of view. That being said, of course there are times when one has to be serious, focus, and set things straight without hesitation.
We should all try to be happy, though. As it has been proven in one scientific study, the happiness of one individual across time and space can bring positive energy to 90 000 other people on the planet. Good to know, right? It's a good enough motivation to be happy and above all the crappy things in life. Also, the more negative your view of life, the more you attract more negativity your way. So I suppose, the more you ponder about your identity, the more confused you become about it? Sounds about right... Out for now.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Identical Issues
Posted by Marty Nikolova at 02:12 0 comments
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Love, actually, is all around
Okay, okay, fine, I admit that yesterday's post turned out a bit more negative than I intended. Blame it on the news and political publications I was reading - they can never set you in a happy mood haha.
Well, today for a change, my friend and I decided to watch one of the most romantic and sweet movies ever made, Love Actually. I had almost forgotten how good I feel after watching that movie! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside :) It makes my heart smile and it absolutely lifts my spirit.
The message of the movie - that love is all around, and it's practically the most powerful emotion out there - is so true. Forget about hate and all the negative things; just love :)
Love your life, love your friends, love what's happening around you, love chance and fate, love the momentary mishaps of life, love everything! If it works for you, love the fact that you don't have that many things to hate :) It's wonderful, any time you feel love in any shape or form. And remember that the world responds to the way you act in it... love the world and the world will love you back!
Haha, and now if you read the previous post you'd think I have a split personality, or bipolar disorder, or anything along those lines. No, not really, I just love the way that movie makes me feel and wish I could feel that aaaaall the time! :D
Posted by Marty Nikolova at 22:26 0 comments
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Oh, the Crazy World
I am generally a happy person. I am definitely happy right now. Usually when I'm happy, I don't really feel like ranting, yet right now I feel like I have to write something about the current state of the world.
If you ask me what I think of the world as a whole, whether I like it or not, I would honestly say - no, not really. This is not to say that I hate everything, but just like each of you, I can see that there are sooo many things wrong with the world, and somehow we as humans are not making progress... rather, we're exacerbating the situation.
Here are just a few things that I don't like about the world we live in:
1) Unresovled aggression - that's possibly the most ridiculous human trait. Okay, we may be the 'smartest' of all animals, but mind you, we are the most evil creatures on the planet. We are capable of unresolved aggression... We get angry 'just because'. Hate that! So what, I've had a bad day, so I'm gonna round up my mates and we're going to go beat the heck out of some innocent kid till I feel superior or something? Since when is violence a better source of 'happiness' than chocolate?! Why do people choose to be evil rather than trying to figure things out through kindness somehow?
In the animal kingdom, any fights between creatures happen for a reason- to establish one's ranks within a pack, to get a better chunck of the zebra's meat or something along those lines. With people, aggression sparks off at random moments for no particular reasons. It's shocking how many young people especially have become increasingly aggressive. In the UK, 16-17 year-old little murderers are constantly in the papers; teenager stabs another teenager to death. Why? What would make a child prone to such violence?? I cannot imagine even getting the idea of taking someone's life. Parents might say, with all the TV violence and computer game violence, kids are definitely going to become more aggressive. But that's not always the case; kids have the unique opportunity of observing acts of aggression live, at home or out on the street. It's so easy to spot adults arguing over something, or fist fights bursting out of the blue... TV of course helps shape kids into lean, mean fighting machines, but perhaps we should consider more how we act in the real world, setting an example for younger people, rather than blaming everything on virtual reality.
Besides, aggression is INcreasing! That should ring a bell right away that the entire human race is weaving away from 'civilized manners' and is going straight back to the 'dark ages' when violence was the way to go. It seems to me that people are changing, genetically. Little hateful genes are outnumbering the good genes. If there one thing we've learned throughout the ages, it is that it's much easier to achieve one's goals if you go down the violent path. Kill the competition, betray people, be sneaky and backstabbing, threaten others, blackmail and tease others - yeah, those are the paths to success these days... Sadly.
Our entire world has become centered around hatred. We're all trying to promote love, but we're actually realizing that hatred is easier and in some ways stronger. For example, you join PETA... why? Is it because you loooove animals that much and don't want to see them suffer, or is it because you hate fur-traders' guts and you feel a sick kind of satisfaction when you ruin their plans? I don't know, I'm only worried that hatred is definitely overwhelming... You can feel it. You can hear people complain all the time - it's easier to complain; it's always easy to find something you disagree with, to be negative about everything - but what about the other side; what about appreciating things, seeing the good side, being grateful for what there is, trying to change things that bother you?... See, you could say right now that I'm a hypocrite because technically... even through the name of this very blog, I'm complaining! True, I don't deny it. I AM complaining. But I guess through writing this rambling rant, I'm trying to change something. Perhaps I'll be the only person who reads that... quite possibly. Yet there is a slim chance that someone else will read this, agree, and perhaps take action; I don't feel like I'm in a position to take action... I doubt my actions will change much. Still, I'll try something; we all know that billions of little droplets make up the ocean :)
Back to the point:
Human aggression and violence are disturbingly high. Both on a local level (eg school shooting, gang violence) and on a global level (war, anyone?); on a physical (killing) and mental level ('crushing' someone through words for example); in almost every situation, hatred leaks out and poisons everything. Wow, that sounds emo... But I guess once you start thinking about it, you sort of see that it's true to a degree...
2) Since I mentioned war anyway, and since it's definitely time for a different point, I want to continue this long rant by stating that I am not fond of this economically-driven world. Most of the aforementioned violence and aggression, on an international level at least, would not be happening had it not been for economic interests around the globe. Each and every war has economic roots. 'Oh, we're on a mission to spread democracy to the Middle East.' Right, and OIL has nothing to do with it... Bless you, oh, benevolent democracy spreaders! All these conflicts, all the troubles around the world come from political and economic interests. Who gets involved, what are the stakes, what are the consequences for the global world order - such questions are considered when deciding the peace/war map of the world. Nobody really cares how people will feel - the people who get to live through the war, who are right there, amidst the flames and mortars... does anyone give them a choice? Are they even going to enjoy the spoils of that war? Hmmmm.. No. They're inferior, they can suffer, nobody will hear them anyway. The media will portray what We want them to (We=the puppet masters), the spin doctors will tell the tale We want to be told... *sinister laughter*.
Consider the latest crisis unfoiling in the Middle East. Once again, political and economic interests are involved; old hatreds are rekindled; the ones in power are baffled how to act, should they stop the violence or stay true to their underlying interests... It's crazy either way! So many innocent people are dying; children, of course, are dying. A bunch of people donated their facebook statuses to the death toll count in Gaza. Argh, it's just the same story over and over again!!! Violence in the Middle East never ends! It's always been a region torn by conflicts, whyyy? Because for some reason (not oil, nah), the US and western countries had to get involved over there and ruin the established order, promising people liberty and democracy, not realizing that the same formula CANNOT be applied to all cases! Talk about misjudging a situation! Why couldn't the western countries accept that things will be run differently in that region and that's that. Oh wait, yeah, the reason they couldn't stay out of it is cause of oil, among others. Find an alternate energy source already, dammit! No wait, if another source of energy is found, conflicts in the Mid East will cease, and we can't have that, can we? Why try to make the world a better place when it's all fine and dandy being as crazy as it is right now.... Also, avoid simple solutions at all costs; the more complex they are, the better.
I don't know, the more I write, the more confused I become... or the angrier I get... or I don't know what exactly, but it seems to me that nothing has to be that complicated and baffling... everything is so simple!!! In my head at least... :S
This post has become too long as it is... I don't know what to say now, except that it seems to me that we've all lost our way. Why are we even on this planet? To make money? To exploit those weaker than us? To feel good or what? Why do people keep thinking they are soooo great when in fact, we have been cursed in a way, with being the most self-contradicting creatures alive. We believe we believe in things so strongly, but we never really do. We think one way, we act another one. We realize when we go against our so-called principles; yet when that anti-principle urge striks, it's so strong that you find it hard to resist... and all of a sudden you forget your principles. We all change over time, we also change for the moment; I know that I myself act differently around different people, depending on whether they are close friends or not; in fact, I'm not even sure who I am. I have an idea of who I am, but I can never know for sure if that's really me. Wham, now we go off into philosophy; better not go down that slope.
I think I could conclude by saying that it is perfectly understandable that our world is far from perfect; I mean, when you think about it, it's often difficult to set things straight in your own head, let alone the entire planet! If individuals themselves are not 100% certain of who they are, what they value, and how everything goes, then there's no chance for groups of people to know exactly how to act and what to do, and then the entire world is thrown off balance.... If only we could just go by our instincts, like animals, life would be so much easier, right? We would be capable of unconditional love, of knowing exactly what we need to feel happy, of living for the moment, of coexisting with only the necessary amount of drama and conflict... and the planet would be a much cleaner and better place, really. Alas, it's not that simple, so let's go ahead and continue being the complex, superior beings we are...
Posted by Marty Nikolova at 21:20 0 comments